在他厌倦了和平之后可能就会以完成宇宙统一为藉口开启战端不是吗我想应该不至于会这样吧如果杨提督还健在的话或许会刺激皇帝的战斗意志也说不下但是 ̄ ̄但是...结果尤里安在高水准的军事教育陶冶下长大倒是一心一意想要当军人后世的历史学家为杨的一生写下了一句短评:多彩多姿充满矛盾和胜利的短暂人生杨的遗体就在部下们的护...
as a documentary it's just ok. to the posed question of 'what happened' it seems that the director doesn't really have a good answer other than 'a lot happened'. but seeing Simone's Montreux 1976 performance of Stars is so much more powerful than just listening to it. all the suffering and struggle behind that facade - really hits differently